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    Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

About Capital

About Capital

With a foundation based in a history of academic excellence in the tradition of Lutheran higher education, Capital University’s undergraduate and graduate programs are preparing students for lifelong learning and professional goals in the global environment of the 21st century. Founded in 1830 as a Lutheran seminary, and chartered as a university in 1850, Capital has been at the forefront of preparing students personally and professionally to achieve their vocational calling. 

Capital University includes the College, Law School, and Trinity Lutheran Seminary. The university offers four undergraduate degrees with more than 70 majors, as well as 10 graduate degrees to its approximately 2,500 students. Graduate offerings provide opportunities for degrees in law and graduate tax programs, the Master of Business Administration, the Master of Science in Nursing, the Master of Music in Music Education, Master of Arts in Education, and the Master of Theological Studies. Academic programs are enhanced at Capital with the many opportunities for student involvement in co-curricular activities including student government, athletics, music, theatre, and cultural, political and social organizations.

Since Capital is in a metropolitan setting in the Columbus suburb of Bexley, students enjoy academic, cultural, recreational and social activities. Theatres, galleries, museums, shops, restaurants and sporting events are just minutes away from campus.

As the state capital and the largest city in Ohio, Columbus is the home for an increasing number of national corporations. The academic experience at Capital includes a rich variety of internships and educational opportunities for students in cooperation with these businesses, health and other non-profit agencies and governmental offices. In addition, the business community of Columbus is an important employer of Capital University graduates.


Capital University transforms lives by empowering an inclusive community of learners through engaging academic, co-curricular, and professional experiences.


Capital University is a vibrant and innovative leader in higher education. Our inclusive community supports access and ensures success for all.

Students engage in the relevant and collaborative experiences necessary to be knowledgeable, resilient, and ethical citizens. They leave Capital prepared to make meaningful contributions in their communities and advance the common good.


  • Student Success - We proactively support the academic, social, physical, mental, and spiritual development of every student as they pursue their academic and personal goals.
  • Educational Excellence - Expert faculty and staff use evidence-based best practices to create intellectually challenging and personally supportive learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - We respect all identities, cultures, and perspectives, promote equity in access and opportunity, and foster a sense of belonging for all members of our community.
  • Integrity - Through honesty, transparency, and hard work, we demonstrate our best selves and value the same in others.

University Learning Goals

Capital University prepares a diverse student body for life and work through undergraduate and graduate curricula that balance liberal studies with professional and career fields. Through an extensive curriculum and numerous student-centered activities, the effectiveness of which is assessed, Capital University students will develop skills in:

  • thinking critically,
  • reasoning logically and
  • communicating clearly.

Students also will be encouraged to:

  • develop their leadership and service potentials,
  • become independent, lifelong learners,
  • develop a sense of values that guides personal decision making and develop intercultural competencies and the ability to work in diverse groups


Capital University is one of the oldest institutions of higher education of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Capital University is organized into four operating divisions: Student Learning and Development, Planning and Advancement, Strategic Enrollment Management, and Business and Finance.

The University

The University’s Student Learning and Development division includes the College, under which all academic programs on the Bexley campus are organized, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and the Law School, which provides legal and related studies on a separate campus located in downtown Columbus. Five divisions comprise the College.

The College

  1. Division of Natural Sciences, Nursing and Health, is composed of the School of Nursing, and Departments of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Health and Sports Sciences. Through the Division of Natural Sciences, Nursing and Health, the university offers the Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; and the Master of Science in Nursing degrees. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing is available through both the traditional four-year program of study and a second degree Accelerated Program (A-BSN). The MSN Program offers tracks in Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, Legal Studies and Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist. The following dual degrees are also available: MSN/MBA and MSN/JD. Nursing education post-master’s certificate program is also available.
  2. Division of Social Sciences and Education, is composed of the School of Education, and Departments of Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Criminology, and Professional Studies. They offer the following degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Social Work, Master of Arts in Education, Master of Arts in Education School Counseling, and Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health. 
  3. Division of Management and Leadership with a School of Management and Leadership and Department of Military Science is composed of two academic departments: Business and Military Science.  Through the School of Management and Leadership the University offers degrees in Accounting, Finance, Business Management, and Marketing. The Master in Business Administration (MBA) is offered through a flexible part-time evening program for working professionals. The MBA also can be earned as part of a joint program with the Capital University Law School (JD/MBA) or with the Division of Natural Sciences, Nursing, and Health (MSN/MBA). Business administration majors for working students also are available through Adult and Graduate Education. The Military Science Department houses the Army ROTC program and offers a minor in Military Science and Leadership.
  4. Division of Music and Communication with a Conservatory of Music, and Departments of Communication and Art, and Media is composed of the Conservatory of Music, Communication, Art and Theatre, and Media. It offers two undergraduate degrees, the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Arts, and a Master of Music degree in Music Education.
  5. Division of Humanities with Departments of English, History, Political Science and Economics, Languages and Cultures, and Religion and Philosophy is comprised of five academic departments and offers Bachelor of Arts degrees composed of the English, History, Political Science, Economics, and Languages and Cultures as well as Religion and Philosophy.

The Law School

Dean-Reynaldo Anaya Valencia, J.D.

The Law School became part of the university in 1966. The Juris Doctor degree is awarded upon successful completion of 86 semester hours in either the three-year, full-time day program or the four-year, part-time evening program. A part-time day program began in fall 1999. The graduate programs were established in 1986. These programs include a Master of Laws in Taxation for attorneys; a Master of Taxation for accountants; a Master of Laws in Business and Taxation for attorneys, and a Master of Laws in Business.

Accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Juris Doctor  - Qualified Capital University students may earn a baccalaureate degree and a graduate law degree (J.D.) in six rather than the customary seven years.  A student seeking to complete the accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Juris Doctor may earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in the major and minor of the student’s choice en route to the Juris Doctor.  An eligible student must complete all Signature Learning requirements, major and minor requirements for the Bachelor of Arts.  Successful completion of the first 24 hours of graduate credit hours earned at Capital University Law School with the letter grade of C or better may be applied as elective credit toward the Bachelor of Arts degree.  The Bachelor of Arts degree will be conferred after the successful completion of the first 24 hours of law school credit. 

Because a student may earn an accelerated BA in any recognized major or field of study, major and minor requirements for each student will vary according to chosen field of study. The Signature Learning requirements will remain unchanged for students in the accelerated program.

For consideration of admission to the Capital University Law School as part of the accelerated BA/JD program, an eligible student must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 100 semester undergraduate hours.  Sixty semester credit hours must have been earned from Capital University (i.e., transfer credit, credit by-examination, and credit recognized through prior learning may not be counted.)
  • Complete all Signature Learning requirements, major, and minor requirements.  Note that the requirements for some courses of study may exceed 100 credit hours.
  • Meet the presumptive requirements for admission to the Capital University Law School, including a specified LSAT score and cumulative GPA.  Contact the Capital University Law School Admission Department for the specific requirements.

It is recommended that 3+3 students take the LSAT no later than the summer before their third year of undergraduate studies. 3+3 students should apply to Capital Law during their third year of undergraduate studies by the priority application review date of March 1st. Contact CapLaw Admissions at for personalized guidance, timeline assistance, and any other application questions.

An eligible student must apply to Capital University Law School for admission by following the instructions at:  We recommend accelerated program students declare the pre-law 3+3 program as quickly as possible. 

Once matriculated to the Capital University Law School, a student is subject to all Law School policies and procedures, tuition rates, and financial aid awards.  A student may apply for baccalaureate graduation and count up to 24 graduate credit hours earned with a grade of C or better toward undergraduate elective requirements.  If a student discontinues his or her legal education for any reason (e.g., withdrawal, suspension, dismissal) prior to earning the baccalaureate degree, then the student must apply for readmission to the undergraduate College.  A student who discontinues his or her legal studies may still apply toward undergraduate elective credit any graduate credit hours successfully completed at the Law School.

Articulation Agreements with Other Undergraduate Institutions

Capital University Law School may offer accelerated baccalaureate/juris doctor programs with other regionally accredited institutions.  In such cases, the baccalaureate degree would be awarded by the partnering institution.

The Law School offers three joint degree programs. In cooperation with Ohio University, students may earn a Juris Doctor and a Master’s of Sports Administration. Also offered is a joint JD/MSN with the School of  Nursing and a joint JD/MBA with the School of Management and Leadership. A joint degree with a Juris Doctor and a Master of Theological Studies is offered in partnership with Trinity Lutheran Seminary. A Juris Doctor student may earn both a Juris Doctor and one of the master’s degrees in three and a half years under the combined degree program

For a viewbook, application and further information, write Admissions, Capital University Law School, 303 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3201; call 614-236-6310; send e-mail to or visit

Trinity Lutheran Seminary

An inclusive seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University equips and forms faithful, wise and courageous leaders. Seminary students explore faith, grow in knowledge, and participate in practical ministry training. The Seminary’s mission is to form leaders for Christ’s church at work in the world, and we invite you to join us.

The Master of Divinity degree prepares individuals for the pastoral ministry of the church. Courses at Trinity offer students the opportunity to integrate the various disciplines of theology, their personal and spiritual growth and their contextual experience. Students engage in structured fieldwork in ministry settings where they apply the concepts and practices learned in the classroom. The 2+2 Program for completing the Master of Divinity degree is unique to Trinity, allowing for flexibility in life, study and work balance. During the first two years of full-time study, students take classes on campus and work at their contextual education sites. Clinical Pastoral Education in a chaplaincy setting is typically completed in the summer between the first and second years. During the second two years of full-time status, students live and work at their internship sites in a variety of church settings.

The Master of Theological Studies degree prepares individuals for a wide variety of career options, including doctoral work, teaching and leadership roles in lay ministry, spiritual formation, advocacy and community organizing.

The Adult and Graduate Education 

The Adult and Graduate Education program is dedicated to serving Capital University’s adult learners.  Additional information on undergraduate Adult and Continuing Education is available in this Bulletin.

Accreditations, Authorizations, and Membership

Capital University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission whom ensures institutions have standards and processes that focus on student learning, education for a diverse and global audience, and well-being for the entire campus community, among other aspects. In addition, several disciplinary programs at Capital University maintain specialized accreditation. More information can be found about the specialized accreditors within the program’s specific handbook. At this time, all programs are in good standing with the respective accreditors.

  • Higher Learning Commission; 1921-to present (accredited)
  • Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs; 1999 to present (accredited)
  • American Bar Association; 1954 to present (member)
  • American Chemical Society (approved); 1966 to present
  • Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education; 1998 to present (accredited)
  • Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools; 1940 to present (accredited)
  • Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation; 1966 to present (accredited)
  • Council on Social Work Education; 1974 to present (accredited)
  • National Association of Schools of Music; 1932 to present (accredited)

University programs are also recognized by the following organizations:

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (member)
  • American College Health Association (member)
  • Association of American Law Schools (member since 1983)
  • League of Ohio Law Schools (charter member)
  • National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA member)
  • Ohio Board of Nursing (approved)
  • Ohio Department of Higher Education; 1969 to present (authorized)
  • State Board of Education of Ohio 

Academic Resources

University Information


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights in connection with educational records maintained at Capital University. For purposes of compliance with FERPA, the University considers all students independent. Student’s rights can be found on Capital University’s website by following the link here: Notification of Rights Under FERPA.


Capital University is committed to ensuring a safe environment free of discrimination.  To this end, the University does not discriminate against students, faculty, or staff based on sex in any of its programs or activities, including but not limited to educational programs, employment, and admission.  Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a kind of sex discrimination and is prohibited by the Title IX and by the University.  The University engages in comprehensive preventive and response efforts, and is committed to responding promptly and effectively when it learns of any form of possible discrimination based on sex. For additional information regarding the University’s efforts as well as reporting options, please visit

Equal Opportunity Policy

Capital University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, sex and gender, age, disability, or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law, in administration of its programs and activities or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy: University Counsel, 210 Yochum Hall, 614-236-6408. For further information on the notice of non-discrimination visit For the address and phone number of the regional U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.