Academic Success
Academic Success (Blackmore Library, 2nd floor ( provides free online and in-person academic support services to all students to help improve their study strategies and success in and out of the classroom. Peer Tutoring, the Writing Center, Supplemental Instruction, and Academic Coaching are available to students to complement their other learning in and out of the classroom. Appointments can be scheduled and drop-in hours viewed at

Blackmore Library
The staff of the Blackmore Library is committed to the academic success of all Capital students. The library demonstrates this commitment with a wide range of services and resources. Library instruction is provided in various formats, including in-class sessions and personalized consultations. The Reference Desk is staffed by professional librarians and questions may be submitted via email to, by telephone 614-236-6351, and in person.
The library Website is the gateway to a robust collection of online resources. These include hundreds of research databases that are accessible on and off campus. Library resources include e-books, e-journals, DVDs, and CDs as well as traditional library materials.
The Blackmore Library is an information commons style library. The first floor houses a Central Desk where students can receive circulation, reference, and IT assistance. Students can perform their research and write their papers on the computers located on the first and second floors, or check out a laptop from the Circulation Desk to use anywhere in the library. For those working in groups, there are five Group Study Rooms available for check out. The first floor lobby of the Library is also a 24-hour study space, where students can use the Library’s technology work spaces after hours by scanning their University ID at the south entrance. Food and drink are permitted in all areas of the Library, and there are vending machines located in the café area for snacks and beverages.
The Library circulation is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please check the Website for holiday or special hours. Please note, in order to access the 24-hour study space after hours students must have their current Capital University ID.
The Capital University Bookstore, located in the Harry C. Moores Student Union, is the primary source for textbooks and supplies for students enrolled in undergraduate programs. Textbooks - rental, digital, used, and new - and other course materials can be accessed online at The Bookstore buys back current edition books, at any time of the year, also online at School spirit apparel and other branded items can be purchased on site, which is managed by University Gear Shop.
Center for Global Education
Located in the Harry C. Moores Student Union, the Center for Global Education provides services to faculty, international students, visiting scholars and American students who want to study abroad. The following areas are included:
- study abroad advising;
- advice about immigration regulations;
- academic and personal counseling;
- guidelines for faculty-led short-term study abroad programs;
- orientation for new international students;
- International Student Association advising;
- facilitation of study abroad (including Capital’s own program in Hungary as well as countries worldwide);
- ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) program serving students with TOEFL scores below 500/173/61.
Information Technology
The Information Technology (IT) help desk is located on the first floor of Blackmore Library. The IT offices the lower level of Blackmore Library. Technical support/services are listed below. Additional IT information can be found online,
Computer Labs
Desktop Support
ID Card Services
User Account/Password Administration
Classroom Technology
Colleage/ERP Information Services
Help Desk Support
For technical support, contact the IT help desk via email,, telephone, 614-236-6508 or through our ticketing system, Typical hours of operations are M-F, 8:30am - 6:30pm. Closed on weekends. Hours and days of operation will change during semester breaks, holidays, and special events.
Institutional Research
The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) provides support to decision-making, planning, and evaluation activities of Capital University leadership by conducting studies related to ongoing academic affairs and institutional effectiveness. The office provides data analysis and interpretation for use in planning and policy decisions while also serving as a repository for information on Capital University’s faculty, student, and staff populations. The OIR office is located in Yochum Hall 214.
The Schumacher Gallery
Located on the fourth floor of Blackmore library, The Schumacher Gallery maintains a collection of 2,500 objects, divided into seven areas divided in to seven galleries: 16th-19th Century Period Works, African Arts, Asian Art, Ohio Artists, Photography, Graphics, and Inuit Art. In addition to the permanent holdings, the gallery hosts temporary exhibitions designed to enhance the academic courses at the university and to bring artworks of historical and contemporary significance to the area. Students are encouraged to attend receptions and creative programs where they meet informally with artists and others who share an interest in the arts. The Schumacher Gallery serves the students and the public six days a week during the academic year. It is open Monday through Saturday from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. For additional information, call 614-236-6319 or visit the gallery on Facebook, Twitter, or online at
Student Success
The Student Success Office, located in Yochum Hall, acts as a gateway to connection with all the resources Capital has to offer. Our success advisors receive referrals from members of the Capital community, conduct outreach, and meet with students to provide support when challenges arise. We work with students to navigate challenges, seek help, and find answers to questions in pursuit of a fulfilling and successful college experience. Students can connect with the Student Success team by visiting our department in Yochum Hall or contacting us at
Students in select majors entering Capital in Fall 2022 or later are also assigned a success advisor as their primary advisor. In addition to all the support described above, success advisors provide guidance on major and minor decisions, course scheduling, and academic policies to help students maintain progress toward degree completion. Success advisors act as the primary point of contact on most Capital-related matters for students they advise. Students can locate their success advisor on the “Student Planning” page in MyCap.
WXCU Radio Station
WXCU ( earned a national nomination of “Best Online Radio Station” at Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems and was voted “Best Student Run Internet Only Radio Station” by the College Music Journal. WXCU is run and managed completely by students and features a commercial-style alternative format. Focusing on experiential education, the studio is equipped with the latest radio broadcasting technology, including both production and playback equipment currently on the air at broadcast stations in Columbus. The station is available online at on TuneInRadio and is featured in various campus locations. Additionally, the station hosts several concerts each academic year and supports the efforts of student groups campus-wide.
CapTV Television Studio
The Capital University television studio serves as a high definition production facility for students majoring in Film and Media Production, as well as the broader campus community. The studio is home to CapTV where students create content working with professionals. CapTV shows are carried weekly on a local educational access channel in the city of Columbus, as well as online at Additional programming is seen on the CapTV Network, found on Channel 2.1 on Capital’s closed-circuit, campus-wide, cable network.
The Cabaret Theatre
The Cabaret Theatre, home to The Capital University Theatre, is a modified black box space located in the basement of the Harry C. Moores Student Union. With flexible seating and staging (thrust, arena, proscenium, and environmental), the theatre is capable of seating up to 120 people during a performance. The theatre is equipped with a scene shop, a control booth, and a production design office. These facilities combine to provide students, faculty, and the Capital community the opportunity to collaborate on a variety of theatrical productions including musicals, Shakespeare, contemporary drama, and premieres of original works.