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    Oct 18, 2024  
2022 - 2023 Graduate Bulletin 
2022 - 2023 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Academic Calendar 

The academic calendar for Masters of Education, Masters of Music, Graduate Nursing Programs follow the same schedule as the undergraduate program in Bexley.  The Masters of Business Administration, Trinity Lutheran Seminary and The Law School follow different academic calendars. Capital University’s academic calendars can be found at the Office of the Registrar at


The student will be responsible for: 

  • Their academic decisions and actions. 

  • Planning their academic program of study, including scheduling and progress toward the degree. 

  • Their academic standing. 

  • Being knowledgeable about the Graduate Bulletin, myCAP, and policies and procedures concerning university or program regulations and degree requirements. 

  • Maintaining personal records of academic progress, work and achievements. 

  • Being prepared for academic advising sessions with all necessary materials. 

  • Consulting with their advisor in a timely manner. 

The academic advisor will be responsible for: 

  • Assisting in the planning of the academic program of study. 

  • Assisting in providing information concerning academic regulations, course requirements, prerequisites, and graduation requirements. 

  • Acting as a mentor. 

Academic Probation and Dismissal 

For most graduate programs, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better is required for a student to remain in good academic standing. The first time a student’s semester grade falls below 3.0, the student will be placed on academic probation. If a student has a second semester in which the cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, the student may be dismissed. For seminary’s academic probation and dismissal, students should consult the Trinity Program section for specific dismissal details.

Adding / Dropping Courses 

To add or drop a course, you must complete the “Change of Registration” form, available at the Registrar’s Office.  The form must be signed by you, your advisor, and the Department Chair or Dean. If the semester has begun, the signature of the professor of the course you are dropping, as well as the last date you attended class are also needed on the form.  

When a course is dropped, the amount of tuition due to the University is determined by the date of the last class attended. Note: The refund schedule is posted online ( 

Any payment or credits that exceed the amount of charges and tuition due are refunded by the University within 30 days of the student’s written request to the Finance Office. Otherwise, the student’s balance is credited toward the next semester’s tuition fees. 

Courses may be added through the end of the first week of class. Additions after the first week of classes require signatures of the Professor, your Advisor, and the Dean on the add/drop slip. 

Courses dropped after the first week of a full term and the first week of a modular term appear as a withdrawal on the academic transcript and do not affect a student’s GPA.  

All questions about adding/dropping courses should be directed to the Registrar’s Office by calling 614-236-6150 or via email All financial questions about tuition and fees should be directed to the Director of Student Accounts in the Finance Office in Yochum Hall (614-236-6631). 


Admission to any of the graduate education programs is open to candidates who give evidence of intellectual application, appropriate academic and/or teaching experiences and personal suitability for pursuing graduate studies. Such suitability includes a combination of ability, maturity, motivation, character and commitment. Qualified students are admitted regardless of race, color, religion, sex and gender, age, disability, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. 

All required materials are listed on the individual web pages for the respective programs. Applications are reviewed in a timely manner. Inquiries regarding admissions procedures should be directed to the Director of Graduate Education Recruitment. 

Academic Integrity 

Graduate students are expected to be honest in their academic endeavors and submit their own work for academic evaluation. Students may be dismissed for a breach of academic or professional integrity, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data, commission of acts that jeopardize the welfare of clients, and behavior inconsistent with professional standards. Plagiarism is defined as meeting any academic requirements in part or in full by presenting the work, ideas, or writing of another as one’s own.


Each program or professor has their own attendance policy. Students who stop attending, but do not drop the class will be charged full tuition and reported to the Office of Student Success. Validation of attendance is requested from various sponsoring agents such as the U.S. Armed Forces. Those who register, stop attending, but do not drop the class will be charged full tuition. Capital University’s attendance policy can be found at 

Course Load 

Students may enroll full or part-time. Refer to specific graduate programs for detailed information regarding course load. 


Each respective academic department reserves the right to dismiss any student at any time for good cause. Notification of dismissal is sent in writing from the Program Director or Dean. Trinity Seminary students should consult the Trinity program section of this Bulletin. 

Financial Aid 

See Financial Information section of this Bulletin.  


Refer to specific graduate programs for detailed information regarding grading. 


Formal graduation ceremonies are scheduled once a year, at the end of spring semester. All candidates must complete an application for graduation and fulfill all degree requirements, Graduation applications are available through myCAP and are submitted one semester before the final semester of study. 

The application for graduation will prompt a record review regarding eligibility for graduation. Details regarding the commencement exercises are sent to students in the early Spring. Diplomas are awarded at the end of each semester however, formal graduation ceremonies are held only at the end of spring semester. Please note: Those students who have completed all required coursework may participate in the Graduation Ceremony. 


A grade of Incomplete indicates that work has not been completed by the end of the semester or module due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. Request for an Incomplete is student initiated. If the Professor thinks the situation warrants an Incomplete, an Incomplete form will be filed with the Registrar’s Office. To remove the “I” grade, the student must satisfy conditions established by the Professor within the specified time table and a new grade must be submitted to the Registrar no later than eight weeks after the last day of the semester in which the student enrolled in a full term course (15 weeks) or three weeks after the conclusion of a modular course (7 weeks). If an Incomplete grade is not removed on time, the student will receive an “F” (Failing Grade) for the course. 

Leave of Absence 

A student may find that it is not possible to participate in graduate course work. Any student intending to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the institution must meet with the Office of Student Success to fill out paperwork and review necessary next steps. Please call 614-236-6871 to make an appointment. Additionally, Leave of Absence/Withdrawal paperwork can be found at   

A student can be on leave for two consecutive terms without penalty if the appropriate forms have been completed and submitted.  By filing this leave form, the student continues to receive university communications.  The leave of absence does not apply to students with non-degree status. If a student fails to return from leave within the time specified, the student must apply to be readmitted. Readmitted students are subject to the policies and curicula in effect in the readmission year. Course work that is completed seven or more years previous to readmission must be evaluated by the faculty at the time of readmission.  

Readmission to the Program 

Candidates who withdraw, fail to return following a Leave of Absence or stop attending and subsequently wish to return must seek readmission. Readmission requires a readmit form from the Registrar Office. The University will review the application as to whether the re-applicant meets current admissions standards.  Application for readmission does not guarantee acceptance. 


Students are encouraged to meet with advisors early in their program to design a curriculum plan. A guide for curriculum planning is available from the graduate program. Students are expected to maintain a copy of their curriculum plan and are to maintain their own curriculum audit sheets to monitor their progress. These degree audits are available through myCAP.  

Students will register for classes on-line through myCAP after consulting with their academic advisor. Students may discuss registration with their advisor. 

Repeating Courses 

Each graduate program has a unique policy that may limit or restrict the repetition of courses. Please consult with your Program Director or Dean to determine the policy in your graduate program. 

Student Academic Grievance Resolution 

Students have the right to appeal grades, involuntary withdrawal action or other academic issue by filing a written request within one semester of the occurrence. The written appeal must include supporting data.  Appeal is made first to the course professor, and may then be elevated to the Program Director or Dean. If appeals with the graduate program have been exhausted, final appeal may be made to the Vice President of Learning / Provost. Graduate students will follow the same appeal process as undergraduates. Information regarding grievance procedure can be found here  

Transfer of Credit  

Subject to individual program policies, students may apply for transfer of credit from another institution and provide a bulletin course description from the year in which the course was taken as well as a copy of the course syllabus. The Application for Transfer Credit Form is available from the Registrar’s Office. The Program Director from each specific graduate program may approve the transfer of credit if program requirements are met. For specific transfer information, please consult specific program guidelines. 

Accepted transfer credits in quarter hour units are converted to Capital University’s semester credit hour system. One quarter hour equates to 2/3 semester hour. 

Quarter hours to Semester Hours 

6 hours = 4.00 hours 
5 hours = 3.33 hours 
4 hours = 2.67 hours 
3 hours = 2.00 hours 
2 hours = 1.33 hours 
1 hour = 0.67 hours 

If approved by the Program Director or Dean, transfer credit may only be awarded for courses with a grade of B or higher.  


Following graduation, students may request one free transcript from each program in which a degree was completed. Each additional transcript costs $10.00. Transcript requests made to the Registrar’s Office will take at least seven business days to process. Students may also order transcripts online. More information regarding this ordering process is available here  All accounts must be paid before a transcript will be issued. 

Transient Credit 

Only if approved by the Program Chair or Dean, a student who is enrolled or on official leave may take a course at another university to meet a Capital requirement. The student must obtain prior approval by completing the Transient Credit Form available at the Registrar’s office. Signatures are required from the advisor and the Program Chair for transient work to be accepted.  Transient courses must  meet program grade requirements.  

Withdrawal from the University 

To withdraw completely from the university, the student must complete and submit the appropriate form to the Office of Student Success. Students wanting to withdraw should set up an appointment by contacting or by calling 614-236-6871. The student is requested to discuss withdrawal with their academic advisor prior to taking this action. If withdrawal is requested, the student should complete an Exit Interview with the Program Director of the specific program the student is enrolled in. The date of withdrawal will be the date the forms are returned to the Student Success office.  Refunds will follow the refund schedule published by the Finance / Student Accounts office. Failure to complete study agreements does not constitute an official withdrawal. Trinity Seminary students should consult the Trinity program section for specific withdrawal details.