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    Feb 19, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Graduate Bulletin 
2023 - 2024 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Master of Business Administration Program Information

Dean - Rieder 

Associate Dean- Jacobs

Professors - Dailey, Kent, Moore, Roychoudhury  

Associate Professors - Mellum

Assistant Professor- Kozubal, Roig

Executive Professors - Byrnes, O’Brien, Squires, Staab, Winters 

Our Mission 

The School of Management and Leadership (SOML) business programs prepare people to lead fulfilling lives of work and service. The programs cultivate in its students, alumni, faculty, and staff the capacity for meaningful, intellectual, and other contributions to business and society along with a lifelong commitment to learning and personal development. 

Our Principles 

  • We are committed to student success both before and after graduation. 
  • We are a community of teachers and learners who believe that fulfilling lives are grounded in self-awareness and the lifelong development of each person’s unique capacities. 
  • We prepare people who understand themselves, others, and the world. They integrate their values, knowledge and skills while adding value to the organizations and communities they serve. 
  • We believe in approaching the opportunities and challenges of our global community with a sense of humility and free inquiry, and that preparing people to ask the right questions is fundamental to making the right choices. 
  • We believe we must be actively engaged with the organizations and communities our graduates serve to ensure our programs and services support their success. 
  • We expect a commitment to rigor, accountability, and continuous improvement in ourselves and our campus community that is consistent with the demands our students and graduates face in life. 
  • We are each responsible for living our mission every day.


All degree programs offered by the SOML are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs. ACBSP is the leading accreditation association for business education that emphasizes and rewards teaching excellence. The ACBSP’s rigorous accreditation standards are aligned with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and require demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement. The School of Management is also a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). 

Application and Admission Requirements 

Professional Experience 

The Capital MBA is a competitive program for highly competent working professionals. As such, the admissions committee expects a minimum of three years of professional work experience. The work experience can be in any environment but should demonstrate managerial and professional capabilities. Teaching, health care, and military service are all considered professional work experience. On average, a Capital MBA student has seven to eight years of work experience.  International students do not need to be employed while attending the Capital MBA program. 

Personal Interview 

We believe the applicant to Capital’s MBA program is more than just a number resulting from transcripts or standardized exams. Consequently, the SOML Dean, Associate Dean, or a member of the admissions committee strives to conduct a personal interview with each candidate to gather a full picture of their capabilities and to explain MBA degree requirements, as well as how the applicant can best optimize their learning experience at Capital.    

Undergraduate Experience 

The minimum desired cumulative GPA from undergraduate degrees is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. In addition to grades, the admission committee carefully considers other factors, like major, reputation of the institution, performance after an initial adjustment to college life, and specific performance in different subjects. 


We require a minimum of two professional references, which should help the admission committee determine both your capabilities and ambition. References from employers (current or former) are particularly encouraged. 

International Applicants 

In addition to the requirements detailed above, international applicants must demonstrate English proficiency by meeting the university’s TOEFL or IELTS requirements. 

GMAT / GRE Performance 

Candidates with at least four (4) years of professional work experience and an undergraduate GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale will automatically be waived from the GMAT requirement. Candidates who do not meet these criteria for automatic waiver may request a waiver by providing a personal statement (minimum of 250 words) explaining why their circumstances merit a waiver. Waiver requests will be evaluated by the admissions committee, which may request additional information.  

Application Deadlines 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. We recommend adhering to the following schedules, though application review and admission will continue beyond these dates as space permits: 

April 1st - Application deadline for summer semester (May) 

July 1st - Application deadline for fall semester (August) 

November 1st - Application deadline for spring semester (January) 

Academic Policies 

The following Academic Policies apply to all students in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. They are subject to revision by the SOML faculty. 


  1. MBA students may consult with the SOML Dean, Associate Dean, or program advisor regarding any enrollment, matriculation, or graduation questions.  
  2. Students must complete all degree requirements within five academic years of starting their first course. 
  3. Full time graduate study in the MBA Program is six or more credit hours of course work. International students must maintain full time student status. 

Grading Policy 

  1. The grading scale for MBA courses is the following. Quality points are noted in parentheses. 
  • 92.0-100%              A    (4.00) 
  • 90.0-91.9%             A-   (3.67) 
  • 88.0-89.9%             B+  (3.33) 
  • 82.0-87.9%             B    (3.00) 
  • 80.0 - 81.9%           B-   (2.67) 
  • 78.0-79.9%             C+  (2.33) 
  • 72.0-77.9%             C    (2.00) 
  • 70.0-71.9%             C-   (1.67) 
  • < 70                         F    (0.00)
  1. Incomplete: When circumstances prevent a student from completing required grading instruments before the end of the semester, the instructor may assign the grade of I (incomplete). The incomplete grade must be resolved within the following semester (at least eight weeks from the end of the term); otherwise, the officially recorded grade becomes F. The student should consult the instructor regarding the policy for assigning the grade of I. 
  2. Repeating Courses: A student who fails to earn a C- or better in any of the MBA required courses will be required to repeat the course even if the student has a cumulative 3.000 GPA. A student may not repeat any course without faculty approval. Students may not repeat the courses in which they received a grade of B or higher, or any other course without faculty approval. 
  3. Appeal: A student may appeal or dispute grades and other actions by instructors or administrators of the MBA program. In the case of grade dispute or related course matters, the appeal begins with the course instructor. If the matter is not resolved there, students may make an appeal to the Dean of the SOML. If a satisfactory outcome is still not reached, the appeal may be elevated to the Associate Provost followed by the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. 


  1. Use, in part or in full, of the work, ideas, or writing of another without credit is considered plagiarism and is subject to disciplinary action. 
  2. Consulting material(s) in the preparation of a grading instrument that is (are) not allowed by the course instructor is considered a serious violation. In this situation, the instructor may assign a grade of F for the instrument and for the course.

Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal 

Letter of Concern: Any student who fails to achieve a semester 3.000 GPA (but cumulative GPA remains above 3.0) will receive a letter of concern from the Dean of the School of Management and Leadership.
Academic Probation: Any student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.000 will be placed on academic probation and will be so notified by the Dean. The student must achieve a minimum 3.000 GPA for the next semester after being placed on probation and must restore her/his cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.000 within one academic year of being placed on probation. Failure to meet either of these standards will result in academic suspension. 
Academic Suspension: Any student who does not meet either of the standards for removal from academic probation OR who is placed on academic probation for a second time will be placed on academic suspension and will be so notified by the Dean. An academic suspension will be for one full semester (or two summer modules). Upon reinstatement of academic standing, the student must achieve a minimum 3.000 GPA for the next semester after returning from suspension and must restore her/his cumulative GPA to a minimum of 3.000 within one academic year of returning from suspension. Failure to meet either of these standards will result in academic dismissal. 

Academic Dismissal: Any student who does not meet the standards for return from academic suspension will be subject to academic dismissal and will be so notified by the Dean. Any student who receives an academic dismissal will not be eligible to apply for readmission to the program.  

Transfer Credits

Transfer credit may be granted for graduate-level course work that is completed successfully at another accredited college or university. The course work must be completed with an earned letter grade of B or higher. Please note that while the credit hours may transfer, the earned grade and corresponding grade points for the course(s) being accepted in transfer will NOT be used in calculating the student’s GPA for the MBA Program at Capital. 

  1. The course work to be transferred must have been completed within the past seven years. 
  2. A maximum of nine graduate credit hours may be transferred. 
  3. Students may transfer either core course or advanced topic course credits. For a course to be eligible for transfer credit, there must be an equivalent Capital MBA course(s) for the course(s) to be transferred. Students must supply a course syllabus from the proposed transfer course for faculty approval prior to the granting of transfer credit. 
  4. Before undertaking proposed graduate course work at another institution, the students should seek approval from the SOML Dean or Associate Dean. 
  5. Credits earned from CPCU exam preparatory courses may be applied toward the MBA advanced topics course requirement. 
  6. The number of credits accepted in transfer for a course is equal to the number of credits that the equivalent Capital MBA course carries. The number of credits accepted in transfer is not necessarily equal to the number of credits earned. When there is a difference between the number of credits earned and the number accepted in transfer, it may be necessary to take an additional elective course(s) to satisfy the graduation requirements of 36 credit hours of course work. 
  7. Credit accepted in transfer is expressed in semester credit hours. Note the following equivalency between quarter and semester credit hours. 

Quarter Credit Hours                Equivalent Semester Hours 
1                                                    .67 
2                                                     1.33 
3                                                     2 
4                                                     2.67 
5                                                     3.33 
6                                                     4 

Add/Drop and Withdrawal Policy

  1. To withdraw from a course, students must file a withdrawal form that can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The date of withdrawal will be the date the student last attended any courses. It is the student’s responsibility to file an official drop/withdrawal from a course(s).  
  2. Refund schedules for MBA courses are available from the Student Accounts Office. Note that a refund is based on the date of last attendance and not on the date on which the drop was filed.  
  3. The 100% refund of paid tuition is available to students who officially drop an MBA course on or before the first day of the semester; thereafter, the refund amount will be less than the amount paid. The refund schedule indicates the percent to be refunded. No refund is given for withdrawal after the sixth week of instruction. 
  4. When a course is officially dropped, the notation of W is noted on the transcript. If a student drops a class during the first week of the term, the notation of W will not appear. 
  5. The last day to officially withdraw from a course is prior to the last meeting date. Official withdrawal is noted on the transcript with W. 
  6. When an MBA student registers for an MBA course, attends at least one class, thereafter, stops attending, and does not officially drop/withdraw from the course, the course is noted with the grade of FS on the transcript.

Withdrawal from the University  

To withdraw completely from the university, the student must complete and submit the appropriate form to the Office of Student Success. Students wanting to withdraw should set up an appointment by contacting or by calling 614-236-6871. The student is requested to discuss withdrawal with their academic advisor prior to taking this action. If withdrawal is requested, the student should complete an Exit Interview with the SOML Dean or Associate Dean of the specific program the student is enrolled in. The date of withdrawal will be the date the forms are returned to the Student Success office. Refunds will follow the refund schedule published by the Finance / Student Accounts office. Failure to complete study agreements does not constitute an official withdrawal. 

Leave of Absence   

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from graduate studies temporarily may request a formal Leave of Absence for up to two consecutive semesters. A Leave request form must be filed with the Student Success Office for each semester of leave (including summer). During the leave period, students remain in active status without penalty and receive all communications pertaining to their graduate program.  

Students who extend their leave beyond the period specified by their leave request or who fail to file a leave request must reapply for admission to their graduate program. If readmitted, such students will be subject to the policies, procedures, and program requirements then in effect, which may be different than those in effect at the time of their original admission. Any course work completed more than five years prior to readmission will be evaluated by the program faculty to determine suitability to meet current program course requirements. 

Readmission to the Program 

Candidates who officially withdraw from the program, have been on official leave for more than three consecutive terms, and subsequently wish to return must seek readmission. If a candidate does not register for any classes for three consecutive semesters, that candidate will be regarded as having withdrawn from the program unless good cause can be shown. Readmission requires a readmit form from the Registrar’s office at The University will review the application as to whether the re-applicant meets current admissions standards; thus, application for readmission does not guarantee acceptance. 


  1. The application for graduation must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office as soon as practicable prior to your anticipated graduation. 
  2. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 is required for graduation. 
  3. Any incomplete grade(s) must be resolved by completing the requirements of the course(s). 
  4. All financial obligations must be satisfied. 
  5. Graduation “With Distinction” is noted on transcripts for students who completed all course work with a grade point average of 3.750 or higher. 
  6. Graduation “With Highest Distinction” is noted on transcripts for students who have completed all course work with a grade point average of 4.000. 
  7. Participation in the University Commencement Ceremony is available to MBA students who complete degree requirements before the cutoff date established by the University. Summer MBA graduates have the option to participate in the May ceremony immediately preceding their graduation semester or the next year’s May ceremony.

MBA Curriculum Overview 

The Capital MBA is designed to equip students with conceptual, interpersonal, personal, and technical skills needed to excel in today’s dynamic world. 

MBA Program Learning Outcomes 

1.   Functional and Integrative Competence: 

Develop and exhibit a strategic level of understanding of the major areas of business. Integrate and synthesize information from the major areas of business to show the inter-relatedness of the functions in a particular business situation. 

2.   Analytical and Conceptual Skills: 

Analyze data and information from different points of reference (e.g., cultural, technological, and political). Employ financial and other decision models to produce alternative solutions to a particular business problem. Select and defend the appropriate strategic path needed to solve the particular business problem. 

3.   Communication Competence: 

Elucidate the major theories, research methods, and approaches to inquiry in the field. Create and deliver logically constructed oral and written arguments that are clear and relevant to the assigned topic. 

4.   Team Participation and Leadership: 

Participate and effectively contribute to team based, student-led projects. Utilize various team membership skills needed for coordinating and implementing organizational activities necessary for reaching an identified goal. Develop and exhibit appropriate leadership and followership techniques in complex and dynamic projects. 

5.   Ethical Reasoning: 

Articulate and challenge a tradition, assumption, or prevailing business practice by raising and examining relevant ethical perspectives through a paper or project. 

MBA Program Requirements  

The Capital MBA program requires a minimum of twelve (12) courses totaling thirty-six (36) credit hours: 10 core courses (30 credit hours) and 2 advanced topics courses (6 credit hours) or 1 selected topics course and 1 advanced topics course (6 credits). During the fall and spring semesters, courses meet once a week for fourteen weeks. During the summer semester, courses meet twice a week for seven weeks. Most core courses are offered every semester, while advanced topics courses are offered periodically based on demand and instructor availability. Students should consult the most current course schedule(s) for specific course offerings.    

Required Courses (Credit hours are indicated in parentheses) 

  • MBA 500 MBA Foundations (3) 
  • MBA 611 Analytical Methods (3) 
  • MBA 612 Managerial Economics (3) 
  • MBA 613 Organizational Behavior (3) 
  • MBA 614 Managerial Accounting (3) 
  • MBA 710 Marketing Management (3) 
  • MBA 720 Financial Management (3) 
  • MBA 730 Operations Management (3) 
  • MBA 740 Ethics and Social Responsibility (3)
  • MBA 8xx Advanced Topics (2 for 3 credits each; 6) 
  • MBA 900 Business Policy and Strategy (3)  

Many courses have prerequisites. When planning consider the following: 

  • MBA 500 may be taken concurrently with MBA 613 or MBA 740. MBA 500 should be completed before all other MBA courses.  
  • 600-level courses should be completed before 700-level courses. Students may take a 600-level course concurrently with a 700-level course with permission of the 700-level course instructor or academic advisor.  
  • MBA 611 (Analytical Methods) is a prerequisite for MBA 612 (Managerial Economics) 
  • MBA 612 (Managerial Economics) and MBA 614 (Managerial Accounting) are prerequisites for MBA 720 (Financial Management). 
  • All 600 and 700 level courses should be completed before MBA 900 (Business Policy and Strategy.) Students can take a 700-level course at the same time with the permission of the MBA 900 instructor.  
  • Exceptions to these requirements will be considered upon a written request to the course instructor, the academic advisor, and/or the Dean.  

MBA Schedule & Planning 

Current Course Schedule 

Core courses meet from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on Monday or Thursday. Advanced Topics courses also typically meet from 6:00pm to 9:00pm but often meet on Tuesday or Wednesday to offer students greater scheduling flexibility. Class offerings typically reflect the following schedule;however, students should consult the current course schedule for specific offerings. There are semesters that may deviate from this typical schedule.  

MBA Courses - Fall and Spring Semesters 

MBA 500 

MBA Foundations 


MBA 611 

Analytical Methods 


MBA 612 

Managerial Economics 


MBA 613 

Organizational Behavior 


MBA 614 

Managerial Accounting 


MBA 710 

Marketing Management 


MBA 720 

Financial Management 


MBA 730      

Operations Management 


MBA 740 

Ethics & Social Responsibility 


MBA 8xx 

Advanced Topics 


MBA 900 

Business Policy and Strategy 


Summer Semester 

The summer semester is split into two halves - Module 1 and Module 2. This scheduling allows students flexibility in planning their summer activities. They can attend all summer (early May through early August), the first half of the summer (early May through mid-June), or the second half of the summer (mid-June through early August). This modular format for courses applies only to the summer semester.  All summer module courses meet from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on Monday and Thursday, unless special circumstances apply. 

MBA Academic Calendar 

The detailed MBA Academic Calendar can be found here: