2010-2011 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
General Education
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Capital University is committed to the liberal education of whole persons, both in our majors and in our General Education program. A liberal education read- ies the mind and spirit for every arena of life—the workplace, the home, the market, houses of worship and town halls. General Education enhances liberal education by developing intellectual skills, expanding the breadth of learning through the exploration of several modes of enquiry, increasing cultural literacy and challenging students to examine foundational ethical and cultural assumptions. It enables students to think critically and reflect on vocation, citizenship, service, religious and ethical commitments—as well as on the role of play, wonder, travel and life-long learning in a rich and rewarding life.
At Capital we have organized our General Education program around five central themes: Intellectual Skills, Living in the Contemporary World, Modes of Inquiry, Interpreting Texts and Images, and Ethical Thought. Our curriculum is developed and extends throughout the college experience.
Intellectual and Academic Skills
Goal 1. Reading and Writing Skills
Students will be able to read critically and express ideas clearly in standard written English. Objectives: - Compose a variety of types of effective essays complete with clearly articulated theses, convincing evidence, effective organization, appropriate paragraphing and acceptable grammatical skills.
- Demonstrate library and Internet research skills and documentation strategy in researching at least one paper.
- Engage in writing as a process of critiquing, revising and editing.
- Comprehend and critically evaluate a variety of written discourse.
Goal 2. Speaking and Listening Skills
Students will be able to speak and listen effectively in a variety of contexts. Objectives: - Analyze and evaluate the principles, processes and functions and modes of oral communication in a variety of contexts.
- Demonstrate the ability to formulate speech purpose, utilize evidence and assemble and effectively present an oral message.
- Describe, analyze and develop critical listening skills.
- Develop strategies for communication in interpersonal, small group and public communication settings.
Goal 3. Quantitative Reasoning
Students will demonstrate the capacity for using quantitative skills, thinking logically and evaluating quantitative information critically. Objectives: - Solve problems arising in everyday life and in a range of fields of enquiry by the application of mathematical tools.
- Evaluate quantitative description and inference by the application of analytical methods.
Living in the Contemporary World
Goal 4. Global Awareness
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of geographic, economic, political, social and cultural realities in the contemporary world. Objectives: - Analyze geographic, economic, political, social and cultural realities in at least two regions of the contemporary world.
- Identify global interrelationships among those regions and explain some major current world issues and problems.
- Critically evaluate current media presentations of global issues and problems.
Goal 5. Cultural Diversity
Students will demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity and social responsibility, and explore the historical and contemporary sources of prejudice and discrimination, with primary emphasis on the United States. Objectives: - Explain the historical and contemporary sources of prejudice and discrimination in the United States.
- Identify the patterns of diversity and issues and problems that emerge in our pluralistic society.
- Critique one’s own ability to assess personal behaviors, beliefs and attitudes in the development of commitments to social responsibility in our changing society.
Goal 6. Fine Arts
Students will integrate experience, theory and context through an exploration of at least one of the arts. Objectives: - Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of works in at least one of the arts.
- Demonstrate the interrelationship of concepts, theory (in the general sense), practice and media in at least one of the arts.
- Examine the significance of at least one of the arts and its influence in culture and in one’s life.
Goal 7. Religion
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the dimensions of religion in life; including the basic tenets of Christianity or historical-critical approaches to biblical studies. Objectives: - Examine the nature of religion and its role in culture and in one’s life.
- Articulate the basic tenets of Christianity or a knowledge of the historical approaches to the Bible.
Goal 8. Social Science
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ways social scientists analyze society, through the study of at least one of the social sciences. Objectives: - Demonstrate a knowledge of the methods of inquiry used in at least one social science.
- Identify scholar’s hypotheses, assumptions and generalizations, as well as how their research findings are limited.
- Apply knowledge of a social science to the critical understanding of some contemporary societal issues.
Interpreting Texts and Images
Goal 9. Natural Science
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of knowing and inquiry in science, including an awareness of the interaction of science, technology and society. Objectives: - Demonstrate the method of inquiry in the natural sciences.
- Explain natural sciences as a mode of knowing, articulating their assumptions, accomplishments and limitations.
- Examine the applications and interconnections of science and technology in society and in one’s personal life.
- Explain at least two contemporary theories or paradigms of modern science (e.g., atomic theory, genetics, evolution) that address the interconnections of science, technology and society.
Goal 10. Humanities
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the human experience through studies that integrate history, literature, philosophy, religion and the arts. Objectives: - Examine representative intellectual and artistic works that express the dimensions of human experience.
- Articulate the relatedness of history, literature, philosophy and the arts.
- Interpret contemporary cultural activities in light of these integrative studies.
Goal 11. Ethical Thought
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of personal, societal and professional life, including Judeo-Christian perspectives. Objectives: - Critically examine moral issues students will be likely to face personally, professionally and as responsible citizens, articulating the grounding and implications of the positions.
- Interpret the ethical issues raised by contemporary events, examining their sources and interrelatedness.
- Articulate some of the basic positions and principles embodied in the development of ethical thought, including sources in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Model General Education Track
Year | Goals | Freshman | 1-4 | Sophomore | 5-9 | Junior | 10 | Senior | 11 | Ways of Fulfilling These Goals:
Presently there are four ways in which students may demonstrate that these goals have been met: A. Course Curriculum
Successful completion of University Core courses (UC) are taken as meeting these goals. Some Goals also have Cognate courses that have also been determined to meet the requirements of these Goals. Intellectual and Academic Skills (Freshman Year)
Goal 1. Reading and Writing Skills
Goal 2. Speaking and Listening Skills
Freshmen MUST complete UC 110 and UC 120 during their first year. They should not, if possible, take them concurrently. - All freshmen exempt from UC 110 (having a minimum English ACT of 28 or Verbal SAT of 630) should take UC 120 during the Fall Term.
- Freshmen required to take ENGL 100 : Basic Writing should enroll in ENGL 100 and UC 120 Fall Term, followed by UC 110 Spring Term.
- Students with an English ACT of 28 or higher, or a Verbal SAT of 630, are waived for the UC 110 requirement. These students should enroll in UC 120 in the Fall Term of their first year.
- Students with an English ACT of 18 or lower, or a Verbal SAT of 470 or lower, are required to take ENGL 100 : Basic Writing prior to UC 110 . These students should enroll in ENGL 100 and UC 120 in the Fall Term of their first year, followed by UC 110 in the Spring Term of their first year.
- All other students should enroll in either UC 110 or UC 120 in the Fall Term, followed by the other in Spring Term.
| Goal 3. Quantitative Reasoning
Living in the Contemporary World (Freshman/Sophomore Year)
Goal 5. Cultural Diversity
Modes of Inquiry (Sophomore Year)
Interpreting Texts and Images (Junior Year)
B. Major Curriculum.
By virtue of a course required for a specific major a student may satisfy both a General Education and major requirement. For example, students majoring in mathematics meet the Quantitative Reasoning goal and satisfy a major requirement by completing Calculus I. What follows is a list of goals met within the following majors: | Major | Goal Fulfilled | | Accounting | 3, 8 | | Art | 6, 10 | | Art Therapy | 6 | | Biochemistry | 6, 8, 10 | | Biology | 3, 9 | | Chemistry | 3, 9 | | Communication | 6 | | Computer Science | 3 | | Conservatory majors (BA Majors excluded) | 6 | | Criminology | 3, 8 | | Economics | 3, 8 | | Economics—Political Science | 8 | | Education | 8 | | Education (Early Childhood) | 3, 8 | | Electronic Media and Film | 6 | | Engineering (Dual Degree program) | 3, 9 | | Environmental Science | 3, 8, 9 | | French | 4 | | Health and Sports Science | 9 | | History (only with teacher licensure) | 4, 8 | | Management | 3, 8 | | Marketing | 3, 8 | | Mathematics | 3 | | Nursing | 3, 8, 9 | | Organizational Communication | 6, 8 | | Political Science | 8 | | Political Science (only with teacher licensure) | 4, 8 | | Psychology | 3, 8 | | Public Relations | 6 | | Religion | 7 | | Social Work | 5, 8 | | Sociology | 3, 8 | | Theatre | 6 | C. Transferred Coursework
Capital University has equivalency guides with many Ohio colleges and universities. Courses transferred to Capital that align with the transfer agreements will automatically be taken as having met the appropriate UC learning goal. Please note that some courses listed in the equivalency guides require the submission of a syllabus for acceptance. The articulation agreement is available on the Capital University Web site. Coursework that is not specified in the equivalency guides may sometimes also be used to meet a general education goal, subject to review of the course syllabus. Transfer students may combine several courses from several different prior universities to petition for a substitution. Please use the General Education Waiver form to petition for this kind of substitution. Attach all syllabi to the General Education Waiver form, and submit the petition to the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (C.E.L.T.), allowing two weeks for processing a decision. Petitions submitted after April 15 may not be processed until the next academic year. All petitions for transferred coursework should be submitted prior to the last semester before graduation. D. Assessment Testing
Students may demonstrate that they already possess the knowledge or skills delineated by a goal. Assessment procedures are available for each goal. Students who are interested in this option should contact the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, prior to enrolling in a course that has been approved to satisfy that particular goal. A waiver indicates that the requirements for a GE Goal have been met and no further courses are needed. Receiving a waiver is not the same as receiving credit for a course. Students should not schedule a GE course until after the waiver process for that GE Goal is completed. Normally students can attempt to waive a GE Goal only once. 1. Automatic Waivers
Students may receive automatic waivers for GE Goal 1 and 3 based on ACT or SAT test scores. | Goal 1 College Reading & Writing | | Goal 3 Quantitative Reasoning | | ACT English 28 minimum | | ACT Math 28 minimum | | SAT Verbal 680 minimum | | SAT Math 670 minimum | There is no fee for an automatic waiver. 2. Assessment Testing Process
Students will have to complete either: (A) a test developed by Capital Faculty; (B) the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test; (C) an assessment interview with a Faculty member or (D) submit a portfolio. General Education Goal # | Type | Minimum Score or Contact Person | Fee | | 1. College Reading Writing | D | ACT/SAT only—Dr. Griffith | * | | 2. Oral Communication | A & C | Dr. Foreman-Wernet 236-6663 | * | | 3. Quantitative Reasoning | B | 50 | $80 | | 4. Global Issues | A | 70% | $20 | | 5. Cultural Diversity | A | Dr. Maroukis 236-6447 | $20 | | 6. The Arts | C | (Art) Prof. Duncan 236-6330 | * | | (Theater) | | Dr. Kennedy 236-6497 | * | | (Music) | | Dr. Reuter 236-6474 | * | | 7. Religion | C | Dr. Belcastro 236-6771 | * | | 8. Social Science | B | 50 | $80 | | 9. Natural Science | B | 50 | $80 | | 10. Humanities | A & B | 53 (Part A) | $80 | | 11. Ethical Thought | A | 70% | $20 | * All test fees include any administrative costs, and all fees are subject to change. Oral Communication: A 70% first two sections; 80% average for all; must be administered no later than the first two weeks of the semester prior to the student’s anticipated graduation date. 3. Fees and Credit
Fees must be paid at the time a waiver test is attempted! Credit is not awarded for the A or C waiver process. However, three semester hours of credit is awarded for each CLEP test successfully passed. Credit will be granted in accordance to the policy in effect at the time the exam is administered. 4. Testing Schedule
Tests will be administered Monday through Friday, beginning at 8:30 with the last session beginning at 3:00. Students must schedule an appointment! More information about the waiver process is available at the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Testing Center Rules and Policies for 2010-2011 The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Testing Center administers and proctors exams in four main areas: - General Education waivers
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests
- Regular course exams taken by students with identified disabilities for whom an especially quiet testing area or extended test time are approved accommodations
- Occasional makeup exams for students (due to illness, an emergency, a direct conflict with work or a university function, etc.); these can be done based on availability, and only in cases where the instructor is unable to arrange with a student a mutually convenient make-up time and location
The first two categories, General Education waivers and CLEP tests, are prioritized because all of these exams must be taken in the Center. Students taking exams in the Testing Center as an approved accommodation for a disability also have scheduling priority over students taking makeup exams. For further information please contact the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at 236-6327 or celt@capital.edu. NOTE: CELT will not administer Challenge Exams after April 15. E. Portfolio Submitted to UCAP.
Students may demonstrate that they have acquired the skills or knowledge delineated in a goal through work or life experience. A student, for example, who has lived abroad for a period may wish to demonstrate that this experience has provided him/her with the knowledge and skills delineated by the Global Issues goal. Students can do this by assembling all the material relevant to demonstrating such things as a file or portfolio to be evaluated by a faculty panel assembled for such purposes. (See the Undergraduate Academic Policies, Regulations and General Information section for more information.) F. International Students.
International students with transfer credit from an international institution, will be waived from Goal 4. Liberal Learning
Capital University is a member institution of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. What follows is the AAC&U statement on the role of Liberal Learning in 21st-century higher education: STATEMENT ON LIBERAL LEARNING A truly liberal education is one that prepares us to live responsible, productive and creative lives in a dramatically changing world. It is an education that fosters a well-grounded intellectual resilience, a disposition toward lifelong learning, and an acceptance of responsibility for the ethical consequences of our ideas and actions. Liberal education requires that we understand the foundations of knowledge and inquiry about nature, culture and society; that we master core skills of perception, analysis and expression; that we cultivate a respect for truth; that we recognize the importance of historical and cultural context; and that we explore connections among formal learning, citizenship, and service to our communities. We experience the benefits of liberal learning by pursuing intellectual work that is honest, challenging and significant, and by preparing ourselves to use knowledge and power in responsible ways. Liberal learning is not confined to particular fields of study. What matters in liberal education is substantial content, rigorous methodology and an active engagement with the societal, ethical, and practical implications of our learning. The spirit and value of liberal learning are equally relevant to all forms of higher education and to all students. Because liberal learning aims to free us from the constraints of ignorance, sectarianism, and myopia, it prizes curiosity and seeks to expand the boundaries of human knowledge. By its nature, therefore, liberal learning is global and pluralistic. It embraces the diversity of ideas and experiences that characterize the social, natural, and intellectual world. To acknowledge such diversity in all its forms is both an intellectual commitment and a social responsibility, for nothing less will equip us to understand our world and to pursue fruitful lives. The ability to think, to learn, and to express oneself both rigorously and creatively, the capacity to understand ideas and issues in context, the commitment to live in society, and the yearning for truth are fundamental features of our humanity. In centering education upon these qualities, liberal learning is society’s best investment in our shared future. Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, October 1998 UPDATED 9/6/01 | |
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