2024-2025 Graduate Bulletin
MN 2051 - Holistic Pastoral Care A holistic introduction to caring ministries focusing on the ultimate meanings and concerns of human beings. The course focuses on the spiritual/theological needs of persons as well as psychodynamic concerns. The appropriate balance of listening and speaking when providing care is central to the course. Students will be introduced to a variety of contexts for care, e.g.: addiction, crisis, death and dying, mental/emotional illness, referral.
Prerequisites & Notes MDiv: HTS 1025 Church History II (may be concurrent). MTS: HTS 1021Themes in Church History or concurrent HTS 1025 Church History II. MN 1001 Person in Ministry , one core Bible course, one systematic theology course (M.Div.); MN 1001 Person in Ministry , one core Bible course.
Credits: 3