2021 - 2022 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
EDUC 500 - Foundations in Education EDUC 500 is a required course for those candidates who are not licensed educators in the School Counseling program. The emphasis will be placed on tracing the historical and philosophical roots of education in the American context, and also taking a practical look at current issues and policy debates surrounding education and schooling. In the most general terms, the aim of this class is to enable students to understand that teaching is an activity that takes place within an extraordinarily complex context. This understanding includes a recognition that:
- Teaching has historical dimensions; it takes place within the intellectual and cultural traditions that extend backward and forward in time well beyond the present moment.
- Teaching has social dimensions; it is shaped by social forces and in turn has social consequences that extend well beyond the walls of the classroom.
- Teaching has moral dimensions; it involves the responsible treatment of students, colleagues, parents, and other community members.
- Teaching has, in the widest sense, political dimensions; it is influenced by the decisions of political authorities and shapes the quality of political life in society.
For these purposes, we will critically analyze the historical, sociological, and political foundations of public schooling with a consideration of the influences of global changes on schools and the processes of teaching and learning. In addition, students will explore the basic principles of school organization, curriculum, effective teaching, and classroom management. Students will develop an awareness of the diversity among children, families, and communities, as well as an understanding of how this diversity contextualizes teaching and learning. Professional development will be emphasized through the following: an overview of professional organizations, journals, and activities; technology for educators; and writing in the profession. The class will be presented in a hybrid manner, meeting on campus for five sessions during the semester.
Credits: 4