Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Course Descriptions


Environmental Science

  • ENVS 493 - Selected Topics

    Periodic course topics of timely interest to students. Credit and prerequisites will vary according to the topic.
  • ENVS 495 - Internship

    An opportunity for advanced students to look at careers in environmental science. Requires a written proposal, an off-campus adviser and permission of the department chair.


  • FRNCH 110 - Elementary French I

    Study of the French language as a means of communication through development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Sound and pronunciation rules; acquisition and application of grammatical principles. Customs and current trends in Francophone culture. Offered fall semester.
  • FRNCH 111 - Elementary French II

    Continuation of techniques used in FRNCH 110  for development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Daily practice of pronunciation and application of grammatical rules. Contemporary Francophone culture. Offered spring semester or placement test. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 110  or placement exam.
  • FRNCH 191 - Individual Study

    Intended for French majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of department. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.
  • FRNCH 220 - Intermediate French I

    Intensified listening and speaking; continued development of reading and writing skills. Acquisition and application of new grammatical principles as well as grammar review and refinement. Readings and discussion based on contemporary culture derived from literature, and newspaper articles. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 111  or placement test.
  • FRNCH 230 - Intermediate French II

    Continued development of skills stressed in FRNCH 220 ; further acquisition and application of grammatical principles plus grammar review and refinement. Discussion of French or Francophone short stories, plays, and newspapers articles as they reveal the life and culture of the French-speaking areas. Offered spring semester. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 220  or placement exam.
  • FRNCH 291 - Individual Study

    Intended for French majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of the department. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.
  • FRNCH 310 - Communication and Culture I

    Intensive practice in conversational French and composition by means of in-class work, videos and tapes, oral and written assignments. Vocabulary expansion, including idiomatic construction and stress on accurate expression. Review and refinement of French grammar; some practice in translation. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 230 ;
  • FRNCH 311 - Communication and Culture II

    Advanced conversational French and composition by means of oral and written assignments, with continued vocabulary expansion and grammatical refinement and stress on accurate expression; may include explication de texts, stylistics, and/or some translation. Class activities may include videos, tapes, and presentations. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310 .
  • FRNCH 330 - French Civilization

    Fulfills Humanities Goal. History, art, architecture, music, and unique contributions of France to the rest of the world from the Roman occupation of Gaul through the Middle Ages and Renaissance to the current time. Videos, films, internet assignments, literary readings, recordings, lectures, discussions, and group work in French. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310  or FRNCH 311 .
  • FRNCH 350 - Intro to French Literature

    Survey of the genres and movements and selected major writers in French literature from the Middle Ages through the 20th century; reading and discussion of Representative texts. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310  or FRNCH 311 .
  • FRNCH 361 - French Phonetics

    An in-depth study of the sounds of the French language, including pronunciation and liaison rules; extensive practice in listening, speaking and transcribing, using the International Phonetic Alphabet, in view of perfecting oral expression and listening comprehension. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 230 ;
  • FRNCH 371 - Francophone Culture

    Fulfills Global Awareness Goal. History, art, music, literature, and customs of the Francophone world with particular attention to political and social developments in Francophone Africa, the French Caribbean, Middle East, and French-speaking Canada. Videos, short stories, novels, excerpts and other representative literature. Extensive listening and reading experience. (Same course offered as CLS 371.) Prerequisite(s): 1 course from Level 300.
  • FRNCH 380 - Contemporary France

    Study of the life, attitudes, institutions, and culture of France today, with emphasis on the modern family, the governmental, educational, political, judicial and fiscal systems, regionalism, minorities, the economy and its world relationships, with emphasis on France’s role within the European Union.  Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310  or FRNCH 311 ; 1 course from Levels 300, 400; Except courses FRNCH 310 , FRNCH 311 .
  • FRNCH 391 - Individual Study

    Intended for French majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of the department. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.
  • FRNCH 410 - French Theater

    Fulfills Fine Arts Goal. An examination of the development of French theater from the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment, Romantic period and modern Theater of the Absurd. Scenes and acts from each play will be performed in class (no memorization); lectures, discussion, videos, group work and extensive reading in French; oral and written reports. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310  or FRNCH 311 ; and one other FRENCH class on the 300 or 400 level.
  • FRNCH 491 - Individual Study

    Intended for French majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of department. Prerequisite(s): FRNCH 310  or FRNCH 311 .
  • FRNCH 493 - Selected Topics



  • GEOG 111 - World Geography

    Human activities and wants in the world, as they relate to physical environment and geographic position, are studied. Students are provided with an understanding of the links people make around the world as they have attempted to address common problems in the past and continue to address them presently. The decisions individuals and societies have made and currently make about these human activities and wants, in relation to physical environment and geographic position, are analyzed.  (Offered fall.)
  • GEOG 491 - Individual Study

    (Offered as needed.)
  • GEOG 493 - Selected Topics

    (Offered as needed.)


  • GEOL 220 - Introduction to Astronomy

    Natural Science Group A:  An introductory survey of astronomy. Topics will be selected from observational methods, solar system, stars (structure and evolution), galaxies and cosmology. Field trips for observation (late night/early morning) and/or visits to planetaria are included. Prerequisite(s): UC 140 , MATH 215 , MATH 220 , MATH 230 , MATH 231 , MATH 251 ,  . Offered spring semester.
  • GEOL 250 - Physical Geology

    Natural Science Group B: Examines the structure and composition of the Earth, and evolution of surface features by geologic processes including river systems, wind transport, glacial activity and physical and chemical oceanography. Other topics include internal processes such as earthquakes, plate tectonics volcanism, and societal impacts on natural resources. Collection and analysis of field and laboratory data using statistical, graphical, and critical thinking analysis. Prerequisite(s): MATH 121 . Offered fall of even years.
  • GEOL 260 - Oceanography

    An introduction to the global marine environment, with emphasis on seafloor dynamics, submarine topography and sediments, the nature and circulation of oceanic waters, coastal processes, marine biologic productivity and pollution and exploitation of the oceans by humans. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 101 .
  • GEOL 320 - Geologic Surface Processes

    Examines the changing morphology of the Earth’s surface through geologic and hydrologic (fresh water and oceanographic) processes. Modern environmental mapping tools are used to examine how glaciers, wind, surface water, and groundwater have impacted landforms on the Earth’s surface. Field trips and laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 101 ; MATH 121 .
  • GEOL 330 - Hydrogeology

    Examines the movement, occurrence and behavior of water in the hydrologic cycle including atmospheric occurrence (meteorology and climate change), surface and groundwater. In particular, addresses societal issues related to surface and groundwater pollution and remediation as well as natural hydrologic systems. Laboratory investigations include statistical, graphical, and numerical modeling as well as field investigations. Prerequisite(s): MATH 121 . Offered spring of even years.
  • GEOL 410 - Field Studies

    Off-campus field study opportunities led by department faculty, often occurring during the summer, winter or spring breaks. Topical studies will vary according to time and locations of the course. Prerequisites will vary according to the topic; credit will vary according to the length and complexity of the course.
  • GEOL 491 - Individual Study

    Geologic research or in-depth study of a topic not normally available through other courses.
  • GEOL 493 - Selected Topics

    Periodic course topics of timely interest to students. Credit and prerequisites will vary according to the topic.
  • GEOL 495 - Geology Internship

    An opportunity for advanced students to look at careers in geology. Requires a written proposal, an off-campus adviser and permission of the department chair.


  • GER 110 - Elementary German I

    Study of the German language as a means of communication through development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Sound and pronunciation rules; acquisition and application of basic grammatical rules. Customs and current trends in the German culture. Offered fall semester on a three-year rotation.
  • GER 111 - Elementary German II

    Continuation of techniques used in GER 110  for development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Daily practice of communication and application of basic grammatical rules. Contemporary German culture. Topics covered: daily routines, houses and apartments, housework, occupations and transportation. Offered spring semester on a three-year rotation. Prerequisite(s): GER 110  or placement exam.
  • GER 191 - Individual Study

    Intended for majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of department. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.
  • GER 291 - Individual Study

    Intended for majors and minors who wish to study material not covered by a regularly offered course. May not be repeated more than once without permission of department. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chair.

Health and Sports Science

  • HSPTS 101 - Basic Physical Education Activity

    These courses provide students with skill development and information on history, rules, etiquette, and terminology in a variety of individual/team sports, recreational and lifetime leisure pursuits, and fitness activities. Credit is not granted for repetition of an activity at the same level of instruction. Students are responsible for transportation or any related costs.  (Offered fall/spring.)
  • HSPTS 131 - Community Health

    A study of community health including needs, problems, issues, and solutions. Preparation for recruiting community organizations, resource people, and potential participants for support and assistance in health education program planning and implementation. Coordinate the provision of health education services while serving as a community resource person.  (Offered every third semester.)
  • HSPTS 132 - Personal Health

    Designed to establish a basis for positive health and health education. Evaluate and select valid sources of information about health needs and interests for individuals. Apply various processes in the acquisition of resource materials including computer usage.  (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 133 - Health and Sexuality

    Explores current issues in sexuality including AIDS/HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases and the promotion of sexual health.  (Offered fall-even years.)
  • HSPTS 134 - Personal Health

    (UC 100 Cognate Course)  Designed to establish a basis for positive health and health education. Evaluate and select valid sources of information about health needs and interests for individuals. Apply various processes in the acquisition of resource materials including computer usage. Prerequisite(s): Fulfills University First Year Seminar Requirement.
  • HSPTS 155 - Officiating Sports

    Knowledge, techniques and mechanics of officiating required for certification in selected sports. Elective.  (Offered every third semester.)
  • HSPTS 160 - First Aid and CPR

    This course is designed to prepare students to be First Aiders, covering the topics of first aid, health care provider, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, immobilization and transport of emergency injuries.
  • HSPTS 161 - Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, Casting & Padding

    This is a two credit course in which the student has the opportunity to develop knowledge and proficiency in the techniques and methods of the immediate care of common sports injuries. This course is a requirement for all Athletic Training and Athletic Training Pre-Physical Therapy Majors.  This class facilitates learning of the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills required to effectively tape, wrap, brace, cast and pad healthy individuals.  (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 190 - Sport Studies Series

    Topical studies related to sports to include: nutritional concerns for the physically active of all ages.  (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 193 - Selected Topics

    (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 200 - Dual Sports and Activities

    This course provides HSPTS majors with the necessary tools to perform an in-depth skill analysis of dual sports skills, demonstrate effective instructional techniques, and apply appropriate evaluation measures for a variety of dual sports and activities.  (Offered fall odd years.)
  • HSPTS 201 - Individual Sports and Activities

    This course provides HSPTS majors with the necessary tools to perform an in-depth skill analysis of individual sports skills, demonstrate effective instructional techniques, and apply appropriate evaluation measures for a variety of individual sports and activities.  (Offered spring even years.)
  • HSPTS 202 - Team Sports and Activities

    This course provides HSPTS majors with the necessary tools to perform an in-depth skill analysis of team sports skills, demonstrate effective instructional techniques, and apply appropriate evaluation measures for a variety of team sports and activities.  (Offered spring odd years.)
  • HSPTS 230 - Human Nutrition


    An introductory exploration of the principles of nutrition. The course will examine the use of nutrients to support health, the nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, diet therapy, and current issues in nutritional supplementation.  (Offered every semester.)

      Prerequisite(s): None.

  • HSPTS 231 - Health Problems and School Health Services

    Knowledge and understanding of the principles for operation of school health services and health problems of school age children. Investigate physical, social, emotional, and intellectual factors influencing health behaviors. Recognize the role of learning and create effective experiences in shaping patterns of health behavior. Develop a plan for coordinating health education services.  (Offered fall-even years.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 132  or HSPTS 134 .
  • HSPTS 244 - Motor Development for Young Children

    This course prepares physical education majors to design and implement learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate using critical elements of basic motor skills within a skill theme approach. An intensive field-based experience at the elementary level is completed under the direct supervision of a university faculty member and a cooperating teacher with a major emphasis on lesson planning in physical education.  (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 254 - Soph Clinical Instruction I

    Supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies in basic taping and emergency procedures, which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program. (Offered fall.)
  • HSPTS 255 - Soph Clinical Instruction II

    Supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies in vital sign assessment and anatomical landmark recognition, which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program. (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 260 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

    Care and prevention is a four credit hour course in which the student has the opportunity to develop knowledge of and proficiency in the techniques and methods of the care and prevention of the athletic injuries. This course is a requirement for all athletic training majors. In this class students are introduced to concepts involved in athletic training which include but are not limited to; human anatomy, injury assessments, emergency management, CPR and AED training, equipment care and fitting, and basic rehabilitation techniques.  (Offered fall.)
  • HSPTS 261 - Sport Injury Care and Management

    This course is an introduction to sports injury and emergency care for non-health care profession students. (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 270 - Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications

    Students will gain an understanding of how individuals initiate, control, and terminate movement and how behavioral and neural processes can influence movement control.  (Offered fall.)
  • HSPTS 280 - Exercise Tests and Measurements

    Methods of testing and measurement techniques used in health and physical education. Establish a realistic scope of evaluation efforts and develop an inventory of existing valid and reliable tests and survey instruments. Analyze resulting evaluation data. (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 289 - Applied Human Anatomy

    This course examines the relationship between joint and muscle function of the human body. Emphasis will be placed on bone, soft tissues, and joint structure and function, with applications to the basic principles underlying human movement.  (Offered fall/spring.)
  • HSPTS 293 - Selected Topics

    (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 333 - Public Health & Epideminology

    Explore social, economic, environmental and cultural influences on public health issues facing the Nation in the 21st Century.  Emphasizes an interdisciplinary health team approach and innovative population-based strategies that foster and support healthier communities.  Prerequisite(s): Must be a Junior or Senior level student. Prerequisite(s): Must be a Junior or Senior level student.
  • HSPTS 340 - Principles of Weight Training and Conditioning

    This is an advanced strength and conditioning course designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge of proper strength training, performance enhancement, functional training, program design and conditioning techniques to be applied to various populations. This course will also provide basic facility management instruction. The topics will be covered through lecture, labs and other audio/visual aids.  (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 342 - Exercise Prescription

    Examines the designing and implementation of individual and group exercise and fitness programs for apparently healthy individuals, individuals at high risk and those with known disease.  (Offered fall.) Prerequisite(s): BIOL 231  BIOL 232 ;
  • HSPTS 350 - Principles of Coaching

    Basic principles for the development of interscholastic teams in individual and team sports. Not open to freshmen.  (Offered every third semester.)
  • HSPTS 352 - Coaching Methods

    A series of courses devoted to the administration, organization and teaching techniques for coaching interscholastic teams in selected sports. Not open to freshmen.  (Offered every third semester.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 350 .
  • HSPTS 354 - Junior Clinical Instruction I

    Supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies in the evaluation of the lower and upper extremity injuries, which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program. (Offered fall.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 382  and HSPTS 383  or permission of instructor.
  • HSPTS 355 - Junior Clinical Instruction II

    Supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies in therapeutic modality usage, which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program. (Offered spring.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 386  or permission of instructor.
  • HSPTS 356 - Junior Practicum in Health and Fitness Management

    This course is a practicum for health and fitness management majors to gain experience working one-on-one with individuals/clients and/or groups to assess fitness levels, establish health goals, and design and monitor the progress of strength and conditioning programs.  (Offered fall/spring.)
  • HSPTS 357 - Junior Practicum in Exercise Science

    This course is a practicum for exercise sciences majors to gain experience working one-on-one with individuals/clients and/or groups to assess fitness levels, establish health goals, and design and monitor the progress of strength and conditioning programs.  (Offered fall/spring.)
  • HSPTS 362 - Biomechanics

    Biomechanics is a lecture/discussion based class combined with hands-on, laboratory work. In this class, students are introduced to the concepts of mechanical and anatomical principles and their relationship with human movement.  (Offered fall/spring.) Prerequisite(s): BIOL 231 , BIOL 232 , HSPTS 289 .
  • HSPTS 364 - Physiology of Exercise

    This course will examine the primary human physiological systems and their response to acute and chronic exercise stimuli. Physiological topics that will be covered include: muscle, nerve, hormonal, cardiovascular and respiratory physiology. Acute and chronic adaptations to exercise stimuli that will be covered include: cardiorespiratory responses, aerobic and anaerobic training adaptations and thermoregulatory responses. Exercise for special populations will also be considered.  (Offered fall/spring.) Prerequisite(s): BIOL 231 ; BIOL 232 ;  .
  • HSPTS 370 - Adapted Physical Activity for Special Populations

    This course is designed to prepare physical activity professionals to identify, select and implement appropriate strategies, services and resources to meet the needs, learning styles and experiences of learners with special needs. The course includes significant field-based experience with self-analysis and evaluation, under the supervision of university faculty and cooperating teachers.  (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 382 - Athletic Training Practices I

    Program development relative to the practices of athletic training and techniques of prevention, evaluation, and management of injuries and illnesses of the trunk and lower extremities common to athletics.  (Offered fall.)
  • HSPTS 383 - Athletic Training Practices II

    Program development relative to the practices of athletic training and techniques of prevention, evaluation, and management of injuries and illnesses of the head, neck and upper extremities common to athletics. Sequence course to follow HSPTS 382 .  (Offered spring.)
  • HSPTS 384 - Medical Aspects of Athletic Training

    This course is a two credit hour course which information is presented on a variety of illnesses and conditions that may affect the athlete. In addition, the student will be introduced to pharmacologic applications, including awareness of the indications, contraindications, precautions and interactions of medications and of the governing regulations relevant to the treatment of injuries to and illnesses of athletes and others involved in physical activity that the entry-level certified athletic trainer must possess.  (Offered spring-odd years.) Prerequisite(s): Must be a junior or senior level student.
  • HSPTS 385 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation

    This course is a four credit hour course providing a knowledge base and skill development in therapeutic exercise and preventing musculoskeletal injuries.  (Offered spring.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 260  or  .
  • HSPTS 386 - Therapeutic Modalities

    Therapeutic Modalities is a four credit hour course in which the student has the opportunity to develop a knowledge of and proficiency in the theory, practice of the techniques and methods of modalities which are used in the treatment and care of athletic injuries.  (Offered fall.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 260  or  
  • HSPTS 393 - Selected Topics

    (Offered as needed.)
  • HSPTS 410 - Health Promotion

    This capstone course will assist future health educators in planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. This course will include direct practicum in a community setting implementing aspects of a health promotion program and focusing or service learning.  (Offered fall-odd years.) Prerequisite(s):   or HSPTS 134 ,   and Junior Standing.
  • HSPTS 450 - Administration of Athletic Training Programs

    Development of Organizational, Managerial and Administrative skills necessary for administering a comprehensive athletic training program.  (Offered spring-even years.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 260 .
  • HSPTS 454 - Senior Clinical Instruction I

    Supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies in therapeutic exercise, which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program.(Offered fall.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 385  or permission of instructor. 
  • HSPTS 455 - Senior Clinical Instruction II

    A required 1 - 4 credit hour supervised clinical instruction in an athletic training setting accompanied by the completion of weekly clinical proficiencies which reflect clinical progression in the athletic training professional preparation program. (Offered spring.) Prerequisite(s): HSPTS 454  or permission of instructor.
  • HSPTS 488 - Senior Seminar: Athletic Training

    An advanced course which examines current topics in health and sport sciences.(Offered fall.)
  • HSPTS 490 - Senior Colloquium and Practicum

    This capstone senior year experience is designed to examine clinical settings and to synthesize Exercise Science knowledge necessary to work at this setting. This course will utilize two formats: seminar and supervised clinical practice. Through these experiences, the student will integrate knowledge form the liberal arts and exercise science to client issues, utilize critical thinking in the provision of competent client care; and demonstrate self-direction by developing and fulfilling a learning agreement in both the seminar and clinical experience. This course includes theory and clinical laboratory application.(Offered fall and spring.)
  • HSPTS 491 - Individual Study

  • HSPTS 493 - Selected Topics

  • HSPTS 495 - Internship

    Internship in appropriate area (Coaching, Athletic Training, Health Fitness, Exercise Science, Pre-Physical Therapy). Credit Hours related to hours spent on internship. Permission of Instructor Required.


  • HIST 100 - World Civilizations: Ancient to 1500

    This course explores human civilizations from a comparative, global perspective, starting with the Ancient World and ending with the Age of Exploration, analyzing civilizations in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. The emphasis is on the development of religion, trade, migration, government, the arts, technology and learning.  (Offered fall.)
  • HIST 101 - World Civilizations: 1500 to the Present

    This course examines the development of European, Asian, African civilizations from the Age of Exploration to the present. The emphasis is on social and political history and focuses on the formation of the global market, cultural and technological change, the evolution of colonialism, imperialism, and nationalism, and the growth of mass societies.  (Offered fall/spring.)
  • HIST 120 - History of The United States: Colonial to 1877

    The political, constitutional, economic, social and multicultural developments, from the Colonial era to the end of Reconstruction. (Offered fall.)
  • HIST 121 - History of The United States: 1877 to the Present

    The political, constitutional, economic, social and multicultural developments in the United States from the end of the Reconstruction Era to the present. (Offered spring.)
  • HIST 220 - History of Africa

    An analysis of continuity and change in African societies.  Topics include the slave trade, colonialism, nationalism, and contemporary economic and political development. (Same course offered as CLS 220 .)  (Offered fall.)
  • HIST 236 - History of the Modern Middle East

    Survey of Islamic civilization from the time of Mohammed to 1914, including the development of Islamic social and cultural institutions. Also analyzes the political, economic and diplomatic developments since 1914, including the Israeli/Palestinian struggle, Iraq, and United States Middle East policies.  (Offered spring.)
  • HIST 237 - Jerusalem through the Ages

    This course introduces students to the history and geography of the region commonly known as the “Holy Land.”  Together we will examine this region from three main viewpoints: 1) as a geographic, social, cultural, economic, and religious crossroads; 2) as a fluctuating religious construct; 3) as a meeting place of three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  By examining these issues, we will aim to come to a better understanding of the legacy of the Holy Land for modern civilizations as well.
  • HIST 238 - Christian-Muslim Encounters

    Christians and Muslims have engaged in social, political and theological exchanges since the seventh century. The legacy of these past encounters has profoundly influenced contemporary attitudes about Christian-Muslim relations. However, misperceptions and misunderstandings about the other’s faith have made these matters difficult to analyze outside of their historical context.  In this course, we will explore how Christians and Muslims interacted with each other and examine the historical framework for these encounters.
  • HIST 260 - African American History and Culture

    The study of African American life with emphasis on the African heritage, the emergence of African American culture, slavery, Civil War, Reconstruction, patterns of segregation, urbanization and 20th century cultural, political, social and economic patterns of protest and change. (Same course offered as CLS 260 .)  (Offered spring.)
  • HIST 265 - Ethnic Patterns in American History

    A social and political history of the evolution of multicultural America with emphasis on the experiences of Native Americans, African Americans, Irish and Russian Immigrants, Latinos, and the so-called “New Immigrants.”
  • HIST 305 - Civil War and Reconstruction

    A study of the bloodiest civil conflict in United States history.  Topics include the debate on slavery, secession, military strategies and leaders, major civil war battles, and Reconstruction. (Offered spring-even years.)
  • HIST 310 - Ohio History

    A study of the geographical, political, social and cultural importance of Ohio in its relationship to American life and culture from the prehistoric era to the present.  (Offered fall-even years.)
  • HIST 315 - Sport and Society in U. S. History

    A study of the development and role of sports in American social history with emphasis on the cultural, religious and economic patterns in the growth of organized amateur and professional sports. (Offered fall-even years.)
  • HIST 321 - The Vietnam War and the 1960s

    Examination of key political, military and diplomatic dimensions of the Vietnam War in the context of economic and cultural developments in the United States during the 1960s. (Offered spring-odd years.)

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